Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Per notice posted today on ORCSD.org.

The Oyster River School Board will meet in special session in the conference room at the High School at 8:00p.m. on Wednesday, Sept 24, regarding the resignation of a Board member and the process for filling the vacancy.


  1. It is sad to see Shirley resign. She seemed to understand the requirements of the citizens she served and the students of our school system.

    Shirley will be missed.


  2. Shirley was indeed a valuable member of the school board, one who I feel looked at ORCSD as a learning environment for our kids, and not as a financial burden for the taxpayers.
    I believe that it was determined that the burden falls up on the board to nominate a new member. I would urge all concerned citizens to turn out for the next few meetings and make sure that someone smart with the right priorities and understanding of the district is appointed.

    The Pickle Boy

  3. What happens if the board fails to appoint a person by Oct 19th, then it goes to the Town of Durham to decide.

  4. I applaud Shirley and appreciated her conviction to the school and to the fiscal constraints we are all facing! Shirley faced off with the Chair and told the Board that they absolutely should not be spending money to go to 3 Chimney's for a "Board Retreat". Incidentally Shirley did not attend the retreat at 3 Chimney's. Shirley volunteered to cook all the food if the Board agreed to have the "retreat" at the school instead. Thanks for all your efforts, Shirley!!
