Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Results from Citizens' Audit of ORCSD Bidding

Over the summer, a group of concerned citizens requested ALL bids over $5000 per the Policy DJ from the ORCSD per the NH Right to Know Law. The below is the official results and recommendations moving forward. Please take the time to read this and offer comments.



  1. Wonderful work to all involved. Amazing report, first glance shows me that "we got 'em"

  2. This is a great start.

    I have written both NH Senators asking for their support and linking them to this site.

    Thank you again for all the hard work.


  3. Thank you for making this District more transparent. We cannot fix what we do not acknowledge. I would like to see the SB talk about this report and deal with some of these issues--this is important to the quality of our kids' education and our pocketbooks!

  4. Why are we wasting all this money that we can use for our kids? Why do our teachers have to ask parents to buy paper towels and cleaning supplies? Give teachers the money they need to get the supplies they need! Our administration should support our teachers and our kids instead of businesses in Rhode Island! What is happening here??!!??
