Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Foster's Editor States that Kach Should NOT Resign

In today's Foster's, the editorial commentary claims that Kach should be allowed to remain on the Oyster River school board until the next elections in March.  However, he has been put "on notice".  Several factors were taken into consideration by the editor.  Most notably was the political animosity in the community.

This editorial also cites a community commentary from James Fieseher stating that the rise of electronic communication has left many with the inability to communicate face-to-face.  If civil discourse is truly a goal of our district, then I would encourage those involved to seek out board members and community members for a coffee, tea or just an in person meeting instead of writing to Foster's, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, email chains, etc.  I have done so recently and it has helped overcome friction and misunderstandings of different viewpoints.
Based on the information now available, Foster's Daily Democrat will not be calling for the resignation of Jim Kach from the Oyster River Cooperative District School Board for his tweets which many found offensive. 
In a July 17 editorial Foster's addressed the issued under the headline: "What of Kach's future on the OR School Board." The editorial went on to discuss the information provided by district residents and readers in calling for his resignation. 
Kach's use of Twitter to tell "nightclub" jokes, as he called them, raises many questions about who Jim Kach's is as an individual and who he is as a member of the School Board.
As a member of the board, he needs to be held to a higher standard that he might otherwise as a private citizen.
In looking to join the debate over calls for Kach's resignation, the editorial board here at Foster's decided to wait at least for the subsequent meeting of the Oyster River School Board in addition to more input from readers.
In deciding not to call for Kach's resignation, several factors came into play... 
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