Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Letter to Foster's Editor

UPDATE:  This letter was written by:

Luci Gardner
Durham, NH

Foster's refused to print this.

Dear Sir:

Your editorial ‘Respect Calls For Respect’ gives no respect to elected School Board members who voted to reject Superintendent Howard Colter’s nominee for a replacement principal of Oyster River High School. Your statement that you “must chastise the Board for its   [no confirm] vote” has no meaning other than the Board vote had to be to confirm, a sop, instead of a “slap in the face to those who put in countless hours vetting candidates.”   You accuse the Board of cowardly conduct in “hiding behind the Right to Know Law’s personnel exception and “the tight-lipped way it has handled criticism” even though the Board is bound by State statute to be ‘tight-lipped’ and inconsistently you suggest members may also be “in violation” of the same law that prevents them from speaking. Finally, without knowing the salary or term expectation of the candidate, you demand a “cogent and acceptable” explanation for Monday’s vote” as though you are entitled to one.  In your view the Board serves as rubber stamp to the superintendent and has only a pro forma vote and needs “chastisement” when it acts independently.

But, the same editorial gives respect to the Oyster River students many of whom had disrespected Board members on the night of the vote heckling and jeering, yelling code words for obscenities, totally out of control and upset because “ the Board had not listened to their choice of Campbell : “we knew who we wanted.” They demanded the vote be changed and Campbell be immediately hired: shameful bullying conduct which necessitated the police. (April 14, 2011 Foster’s article.)

You praise these students for their “ respectful protest” walkout from school, protesting a ‘ no confirm’ vote of the School Board, the only Board that has the power of confirmation. Your editorial gives credence to a protest about the final vote in a process the students apparently know nothing about.
The protest was not respectful:  Some students who did not join the walk out were asked why they remained in school. The words “get their addresses and go to their homes” were plainly heard with laughing and gaiety from that marching band and signs such as “Open your eyes” and “Two Years Adrift/ No Way” could be clearly seen. Near the end of the video a voice can be heard shouting “We’re coming to get you on the 27th.”

We are not talking Thoreau and civil disobedience here; no governmental injustice had been done to these students who simply did not get the vote they wanted and apparently also thought the Board was required to rubber stamp Colter’s and their choice.  We are talking just plain bullying and intimidation. How much better if Superintendent Colter had turned the walk-out into a learning experience and insisted they return to school and study the Board of Education’s process as well as state statutes regarding the choice of a new principal instead of greeting them with respect after they disrespected the School Board as well as the confirmation  process.
What did the students learn from their “respectful protest” and what further mob behaviors can we expect from them on the 27th as they demand with you “cogent and acceptable” explanation of a vote they do not care to accept?


  1. I am glad someone has finally articulated the "other side" of this issue. I'm not sure what the salary requirements were of this campbell guy, but I know that Dr. Richard would likely take this job for a slary in the low 90's. Given his dynamic leadership abilities, educational background and experiences, this is a real bargain deal. Someone should contact this guy!

  2. I've posted this comment twice on the thread that starts with "Anonymous Comment Feature Removed" It was responding to a comment from ChrisAnn relating that can be viewed on that thread. I will attempt to post it here and hope that it does not "disappear" as it has twice already. It is meant to clarify and is not disrespectful.

    ChrisAnn- I appreciate your comments regarding John's apology on the other thread. I do feel the need to point out that your comment here misquotes John's comment on the video in a very important way. Brian Turnbull got it right on the other thread. What he did say was "Get their addresses. Go to their homes", using body language suggesting to continue the peaceful demonstration down the road. Also, it was clear to the students (this has been verified), that it was a joke. The laughter from the students also verifies this. Also, it was only heard by and addressed to a very few students, NOT the entire demonstartion as has been suggested on this blog. I've made it clear that I don't approve of the comments, even in jest, but if people want to be publicaly critical, they should be sure to be criticizing the actual event and the actual words. ChrisAnn, I realize you were angry when you wrote the above post I'm refering to, but the conclusions you draw in it from the misquote serve to distort and further inflame. 'Mary' then misquoted it again in her post, presumably taking the lead from you. I would just ask that more care be used all around.

  3. Please excuse the typos! Should have "previewed" the first paragraph.

  4. The above post was referencing a comment that has mysterioulsy disappeared THREE times on this blog. I am amazed.

  5. Seth is this your letter or anonymous letter you are posting for someone?

  6. Fosters probably didn't publish it because it is too long. They want their letters to be 300 words or less.

  7. @ Laura, that happened to me last week. I try to type in MS Word & copy/paste if I think it's going to be lengthy. Especially if I think I will be interrupted. It's a snafu with Blogger is my understanding.

    If a post is removed by the one of the moderators, it should be marked.

  8. ChrisAnn, it wasn't all that lengthy. I'll try again right after this one.

  9. Laura, I don't think it has to do with length. I mention that only because mine was and it drove me nuts to type repeatedly and then I had the 'lightbulb' moment to use MS Word. I think it has to do with the traffic of Blogger. That's my non-tech understanding.

    It is SO frustrating, that I understand completely!

  10. I tried posting this on the thread "Anonymous Comments Feature Removed", but it disappeared from there twice, I tried posting above an it also posted initially, then disappeared. I'll try again. It refers to a post by ChrisAnn on the "Anonymous Comments..." thread. I hope it is not disrespectful, it was not meant that way. Here goes:

    ChrisAnn- I appreciate your comments regarding John's apology on the other thread. I do feel the need to point out that your comment here misquotes John's comment on the video in a very important way. Brian Turnbull got it right on the other thread. What he did say was "Get their addresses. Go to their homes", using body language suggesting to continue the peaceful demonstration down the road. Also, it was clear to the students (this has been verified), that it was a joke. The laughter from the students also verifies this. Also, it was only heard by and addressed to a very few students, NOT the entire demonstration as has been suggested on this blog. I've made it clear that I don't approve of the comments, even in jest, but if people want to be publically critical, they should be sure to be criticizing the actual event and the actual words. ChrisAnn, I realize you were angry when you wrote the above post I'm referring to, but the conclusions you draw in it from the misquote serve to distort and further inflame. 'Mary' then misquoted it again in her post, taking the lead from you. I would just ask that more care be used all around.

  11. This is a comment I tried to post on the "Anonymous Comment Feature Removed" thread. I tried again here, but it still keeps disappearing. It is referencing a post made on that thread. Here goes (again!). It is not meant to be at all disrespectful, I hope it isn't taken that way!

    ChrisAnn- I appreciate your comments regarding John's apology on the other thread. I do feel the need to point out that your comment here misquotes John's comment on the video in a very important way. Brian Turnbull got it right on the other thread. What he did say was "Get their addresses. Go to their homes", using body language suggesting to continue the peaceful demonstration down the road. Also, it was clear to the students (this has been verified), that it was a joke. The laughter from the students also verifies this. Also, it was only heard by and addressed to a very few students, NOT the entire demonstration as has been suggested on this blog. I've made it clear that I don't approve of the comments, even in jest, but if people want to be publically critical, they should be sure to be criticizing the actual event and the actual words. ChrisAnn, I realize you were angry when you wrote the above post I'm referring to, but the conclusions you draw in it from the misquote serve to distort and further inflame. 'Mary' then misquoted it again in her post, taking the lead from you. I would just ask that more care be used all around.

  12. Just tried 2 more times using Word, and it still posted, then disappeared.

  13. That is weird. I know I ran into the same type of issue last week. I'm pretty new to Blogger so I have no more ideas :(

  14. and protest=bullying? so the parents who protested the grade scale were bullies who were attempting to intimidate the school board?

    and the people who protest police violence or apartheid or racism are also just thugs and bullies?

    cogent argument, Seth.

  15. You pose a very interesting question: When does protesting become bullying? SEIU anyone?

  16. SEIU = Service Employees International Union. Known for their purple shirts and overly exuberant political theater. Especially Wisconsin and most recently, NH. So do they protest or do they bully?

  17. Who wrote this letter?
    If is wasn't signed they would not print it.
    Newspapers get to choose what they print and hopefully they show both sides.

  18. To everyone who have issues posting...this is an ongoing issue with Blogger. There is nothing I can do about it. Just keep trying to post and it will take eventually.

  19. Please note at the beginning of the letter it says that it was written by Luci Gardner. She is a Durham resident and past Library Trustee.

  20. "Written by" was not there earlier in the day, which is probably why it says "Updated".
