Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Letter of support for School Board decision making process

Letter to Town leaders from 4/12/11:

Town and State elected officials:

Last night the SB voted not to support the candidate that Superintendent Colter presented to the Board (see blog post below). This decision signals a shift away from "business as usual".

There will be resistance to this decision and other decisions that will shift power back to the Board. I believe that every member of this Board is passionate, thoughtful and committed to our children first. I also believe this group is dedicated to balancing the interests of the staff and the community, which may at times be in conflict.

I hope Town and State leaders will reach out to lend support and encouragement to our dedicated Board. If possible, please consider attending the April 27th SB meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the high school when they will discuss how they intend to more forward with the principal search.

Thank you for your time and dedication to our community.

Jenna Roberts

P.S. The community blog has extensive comments both for and against the decision that was made last night. You can check it out at: www.OysterRiverCommunity.blogspot.com


  1. If they start this process over, they need to really take a look at Dr. Richard www.timrichard.net

  2. "a shift away from business as usual"....

    What does this mean? A shift away from HS principals? A shift away from listening to the superintendent (that's been happening for awhile)? A shift away from trusting those dastardly teachers and those evil search committee?

    This woman is a state legislator and is basically saying that we are doing things all wrong here at OR and now (THANK GOD!!!) we are shifting away from that. What are we shifting to, Ms. Roberts? Care to share?

  3. It is disturbing to see an elected official sending blatantly partisan letters to paid town employees, apparently expecting some kind of action out of sympathy for her individual views. I hope they mind their posts and express nothing of the sort, at least in any official capacity.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. ??"shift the power back to the board"?? If the power was with the superintendent we would have a principal.

  6. On Wednesday 4/13, at 10:07 am, Todd Selig forwarded Ms. Roberts's letter to other town employees, from his office's email account. The body of the email contained the short message: "All: For your information as well. Todd." This could be interpreted simply sharing information among colleagues, or as an official endorsement of Ms. Roberts's position.

    I would be interested to know, is Mr. Selig representing Ms. Roberts's letter as the official position of the town?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I would find it deeply disturbing if Mr. Selig is encouraging Town employees to support Ms. Robert's position. This isn't the first time she has tried to use her influence as a state legislator to get her way. If she wanted to impact the way the school district is run she should have been a candidate for the school board and not Concord. I find her behavior bordering on unethical.
