Thursday, January 7, 2010

Commend Jay Richard and Improving Foreign Language Offerings

Below is a letter I just sent to the ORCSD SB and Howard Colter:

Dear ORCSD Board Members and Mr. Colter:

I would like to commend Principal Jay Richard for increasing the foreign language offerings in our Middle School using existing resources. Offering a full year of foreign language to seventh graders is an important step. I am pleased to learn that Mr. Richard, Principal Laura Rogers, and the ORHS foreign language teachers are working towards a long-term, world languages goal in our District as well.

Additionally, I recommend Mr. Richard and Ms. Rogers consider adding Mandarin Chinese offerings to their long-term plans. Many school districts have fostered programs where Chinese teachers come and live with a local, family sponsor, thus allowing for the schools to offer Chinese foreign language instruction at a minimal cost.

I would be more than happy to work with Mr. Richard and Ms. Rogers in exploring such a program as well as any efforts to enhance our schools’ foreign language offerings.


Megan Turnbull

1 comment:

  1. There is a Virtual Learning Academy Charter School that offers Mandarin Chinese, Middle School Spanish,High School Spanish,as well as French for dual high school and college credit. The school offers courses virtually, both synchronously and asynchronously by NH certified teachers. Courses are free to NH residents. There are many other middle and high school course offerings that can supplement what ORCSD students are taking currently
