Thursday, December 10, 2009

ORCSD Board Chair Resigns

Please see the note from our board chair below. We thank her for her service and dedication to our school district. Hopefully, the board will seek the correct path in the future and avoid situations like this.

December 10, 2009

Oyster River School Board

Coe Drive

Durham, NH 03824

Dear Board members and residents,

Over the last few weeks I have spent many long days reflecting on why I decided to run for a seat on the Oyster River School Board in the first place.Frankly, my motives were selfish. I had, and still have two daughters enrolled in the district, and I wanted to ensure they would receive the highest quality of education possible by working towards continued improvement in our schools.

When I first decided to dedicate time to this effort, it was to put my experience as an educator to use, as well as my twenty years in this community and experience as a PTO organizer. As a former high school teacher and counselor, and after two years of volunteering with the PTO, I knew first hand our district had many strengths, but there were also many opportunities for growth and improvement I was excited to pursue.

In particular, the last few Board meetings have been very frustrating for many of us. Since I became the Board Chair in March, I have experienced increased frustration regarding the lack of progress towards open communication and working together to engage all learners. In particular, my sense is that some members of the Board seem to value process and policy, often at the expense of progress. The most recent incident occurred when Mark recently indicated a Board member called him at home regarding the approval of names to the strategic working group volunteer list. David then requested that the full Board discuss this “violation of right to know law” at a future meeting.

The fact is; no violation of the Right to Know Law occurs when one board member calls another board member to discuss Board business. Board business can be discussed by two Board members outside of a regularly scheduled meeting as stated in the State of NH right to know law, RSA 91-A:2.As far as I am concerned the Board can choose to continue this conversation if it thinks it is a good use of time, but it is important to know this specific incident was not a violation of the law.

So once again, accusations were made in the middle of a meeting that turn out to be false, disrupting the flow of the meeting, distracting us from the important work at hand, and unfortunately this has occurred numerous times in my tenure as a Board member. Worse, I have discovered it is often the headline that is heard and remembered, not the correction five days later buried on page 10. Dropping these unfounded bombshells on the laps of the Board, in my estimation is the equivalent of conducting a witch hunt, and a waste of our children’s time.

These efforts seem to be an attempt to put into question the integrity and process of specific Board members, our committees and the work we are trying to accomplish. They undermine the efforts of hard working and well meaning volunteers such as the strategic planning group. When accusations and opinions are presented as fact, citizens are left to wonder what is right, who is right and why is it this board seems to be more focused on process than progress.

I question why we seem to have Board members who intentionally impede progress, and wonder what is it that we are afraid of? Why are we questioning the intentions of citizens who want to volunteer their time and efforts? Why are we not saying thank you to citizens who want to volunteer their time? If someone is not supportive of a citizen volunteer applicant they have the right to vote no, but to question the intention of a citizen who wants to volunteer is not anything I am willing to be associated with.

The Strategic Plan is important to our district. To continue to work without a plan deprives us of a shared vision that we can rally around, communicate to our citizens and enable us all to know what it is we are striving to achieve. I am sure this is the most significant work facing our School Board right now, and believe those who do not wholeheartedly support this effort are not thinking enough about the best interests of our students, staff or taxpayers. I applaud all who are involved in this important work and hope in the future that better efforts will be made to show support and appreciation for this work.

I believe many of our administrators are able to accomplish extraordinary work under increasingly difficult circumstances. During this budget season in particular they were asked to complete the very difficult work of preparing a budget during extremely tough economic times, and I appreciate their efforts.However, as a parent and citizen I can no longer support the process and direction set for this budget season. On the eve of the Board being required to approve next year’s budget, once again we are working without the benefit of a sustainable long range budget plan or even a target for next year. It is clear that without a target the budget process lacks purpose and direction.Without a long range plan it is all but impossible to support long term continuous improvement. It is this broken budget process, lack of a long range budget plan, and up until now a lack of a strategic plan, that has created a rudderless ship that has resulted in unsustainable spending as well as an unpredictable roller coaster ride of investments and cuts, in our staff, programming and facilities, that disrupts efficient long term progress against high level needs.

For writing this I know I will be attacked. The smokescreens that have been put up to cut down anyone who questions, are just that, a smokescreen to cover up the fact that over the last few years this district has lacked vision, leadership, the willingness to be open to change, and to trust the citizens who want to be a part of this process. As Board Chair I look to the Superintendent, Howard for guidance and support, and I looked to senior Board members for guidance and support. Instead I have been met with a lack of support and trust, and worse an effort to undermine my leadership of this Board. Again I have to ask, what is it that people are afraid of? Why do so many seem to fight against improvements? If there are ideas that are better than what has currently been proposed, then these need to be brought forward for all to consider.

This lack of trust and mutual respect is appalling. To conclude that anyone who questions the status quo is a troublemaker, leaves little wonder why many people in our communities have stopped participating, or worse, have stopped trying altogether to help our district work towards what should be a common goal … doing what is best for our kids. In our Board Code of Ethics it states, that we will remember first and foremost to support the education of children. I struggle to reconcile this with the current direction of yet another unsustainable budget season and the continued lack of overall vision.

At this point it has been made clear to me that I do not have the trust of Howard or senior members of this Board. I have painfully come to a similar conclusion, and realized I too, do not have confidence in the direction they are leading us. It is clear that without mutual respect and trust I will not be able to effectively lead this Board over the remaining three months of my term. Therefore, I can no longer justify committing time to this endeavor given the time it takes away from my family. As a result, I will be stepping down from the Oyster River School Board, effective immediately.

Thank you to all of my family, friends and supporters for your encouragement and support over the last three years.


Kimberly Clark


  1. The resignation of Kim Clark is a sad commentary on the leadership in the Oyster River School District. From the moment Ms. Clark took office as the School Board Chair, it was clear that David Taylor had a destructive agenda. Anyone who has watched the meetings for the last nine months cannot deny this. Rather than receiving Ms. Clark as the open minded and intelligent person she is, she was seen as a threat. Word was spread to the school staffs that she was "not a friend" to the schools. She was cut off at the knees at every turn. It is no wonder that community members are reluctant to become involved. The "senior" Board members and the administration need to remember that educating the Oyster River kids is a team effort. It is time to collaborate and put the focus back on the kids, not on political or personal agendas.

    Thank you Ms. Clark for your hard work, patience, and poise under pressure.

  2. Kim, you have the support of the community. You continued leadership is much needed. I may not always agree with your positions but, I have admired your poise and common sense leadership.
    Please reconsider your resignation. We need some balance on the Board. It is time people like David Taylor stop the games they have been playing for years.
    Sorry I am writing this anonymously but, I have kids in the OR system and if if you want to know the truth, I am afraid of retribution if I was to identify myself. Now, that should tell you something about what I think of the "games" being played by some of the members of the Board and Administration. Trust me, I am not alone in feeling this way. How wrong is that?
    Thank you for your hard, volunteer work Kim. Please reconsider.

  3. When personal biases are displayed, when opinion is stated as fact, when divisiveness becomes reality - a board or any group cannot be productive and may not survive. I have never been able to comprehend any person who cannot simply listen intently to another, gather facts and then form an opinion.
    Kim, thank you for your service and for your very candid letter. Those intent on preserving divisiveness will negatively comment and take you to task. Those intent on gathering facts and information will embrace your letter and identify those areas where improvement/progress is needed.
    I would like to suggest that this board immediately put aside its differences and work to develop, at minimum, a budget and, at best, a strategic plan. The next board, hopefully absent the negativists, should schedule a retreat that is facilitated by a skilled professional who can identify personality issues and set a proper course for the board.
    Enough is enough. Mandatory reading for all board members and the administration: "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson. Each reader will discover that working together, understanding the opposition and embracing their "culture" is the only way to sustain lasting harmony and progress.

  4. Sounds to me like someone didn't get there way and decided that they wouldn't play and would take their ball home.

    Respect and trust is earned - not taken.

  5. Hello all,

    Thank you to all who have supported my decision to resign. I have received so many letters and calls of support. It has been overwhelming and humbling. Many of you have come forward with your personal stories of why you have stopped volunteering and paying attention, and you all need to know how many of you there are and you are not alone. It is now time to re-join together to do something about it.

    For those that may choose to attack, I fully expected this ... it is what is done when there is no evidence to support an agenda, or lack of one. Those that have worked with me and know me, know that mutual respect and trust is something I have worked hard to earn, not expect, over my many years in this community and as a professional.

    I do not plan on stopping, my ball is still in the air, and I encourage all of us to wake up and pay attention to what is going on.

    For the record, I did not leave because I didn't get my way. I made the decision to leave because I thought it would be a more effective way to get your attention re-focused on the coninued challenges faced by the Schools and imperative need for all of you to pay attention and get involved, rather than muddling through my last five meetings.

    It is supposed to be about the kids, and if nothing else I hope the conversations can continue about what we can all do in the best interest of our kids. Our teachers do an amazing job, they continually strive for improvement, but the teachers can only do so much without the same commitment from the School Board and Superintendent.

    We teach our children to stand up for what is right, and to treat people with dignity and respect. Why don't we all? I will continue to speak up, and stand by our teachers and our kids, and now I can, in a way I could not as a Board member. Let me be clear, this game is not over, it has only just begun.

    Thank you, Kim

  6. Please let us not forget to support the board members who are STILL there fighting for good. The minority (now) will need our support to continue Kims battle. DO not let Jennifer and Jocelyn be lumped into "the Board". Their acheivements are great and should not be overlooked but supported.
    They have now the bulk of this all dumped into their laps and they are left to clean up.

  7. I am a bit confused by the comments in this forum. While I certainly support the efforts of anyone on the school board, it is unclear to me why there is such a rallying cry for Oyster River to change? Indeed, just this week our district was one of three in the state to be awarded a silver medal by US and World Reports best schools. While not satisfied with second, it should be noted that no school in NH was awarded a "gold medal." Moreover, Oyster River's SAT, ACT, AP and NECAP scores consistently rank in the top of the state. To be honest, this is the direction I want my school to go in. This is the kind of education I want my child to benefit from and if that is what the school is producing, than I am unclear why we shouldn't applaud the efforts of the educators, administrators and board members who have, for years been a part of this success? Why get lost in an ugly personal squabble (justified or not and certainly something that shouldn't be broadcast to the public) at the expense of doing the important work of expanding on our successes.

  8. OK...previous poster's note taken but there is no vision for the schools and things that are brought to the board that are not the "status quo" are dismissed. Take in point the budget committee, full day kindergarten, Don Maynard (they got a pass on this one), Shirley Thompson resigning, Kim resigning, the bickering and the false accusations...the list goes on and on.

    The credit goes with the administration and staff to steer this ship on its course while the board is going through all of this. I ask the previous poster to look at historical voting records. Why has David Taylor been the sole nay vote for the strategic plan and for the volunteer list for the working groups? Why should we "credit" someone who consistently votes in opposition to progress and long range planning. If you watch closely to the meetings, he also flip flops on when policy should be followed. It seems to be followed only when it serves his agenda.

    Finally, as a senior member, he has not coached/mentored the rookies on the team. It is a shame. He has lost his way. Credit his work with building the high school but now, he seems like a bitter old man!

    So, what now? We have no plan (yet), have two board members resigning in the last 18 months, and have a growing budget with no cap in sight or no board vote for a cap. All this while the Town of Durham is doing ALL IT CAN to keep the tax rate the same as last year...oh and by the way, they've done it two years in a row.

    Look at the history on this blog...they are not after larger class sizes but better choices in classes. Not after cutting teachers, but looking at waste on the operation's side. Not cutting programs, but looking at creative ways to increase programs and expand them (like kindergarten).

    Your points are correct but anyone who follows the recent board (last 2 years) will see that the historical achievements are far outweighed by lack of trust, cooperation, and planning despite good overall efforts by some newcomers.

  9. It is interesting that in Kim's resignation letter, she mentions integrity, lack of trust and mutual respect. Look at all of the comments above (except the one positive one about the district) -- they are all negative, mean-spirited and downright appalling. That is not the way things have been done here in the Oyster River community.

    If you notice, this big change in the culture on the board came about as the current leadership and supporters were elected onto the board. THat is NOT to say that JoAnn and David are innocent -- all seven had a part in this. They all share some responsibility.

    Though I don't consider myself an official supporter of any of the board members, the agenda of those in charge is scary. Don't listen to the "smoke and mirrors" about lack of direction. THere is a clear direction of the school district -- excellence in education. THis district continues to inspire students, provide real results and prepare our children well for the 21st Century. THere is no wholesale change needed in our district!

    I will tell you that one thing that I am very appreciative of David Taylor about is that some of those "controversial votes" that his detractors complain about is because he votes for our children, not the Durham Taxpayers Association (like five others on the board)

    Kim, I wish you well in your future endeavors.

  10. I beg your pardon but what has David Taylor done recently for our children? Look at his voting record! He is the one that puts up the "smoke and mirrors". I do agree that we have a great district but why don't we need a strategic plan? What is the harm? No one answers that question! Second, the comments here are venting and very refreshing to hear! Only disruption will produce change and I think we are on the cusp of it. We need these strong willed opinions in the district. Why is status quo good enough for our kids? It is not!

    Also, the DTA is not the only voice here. There are many others who denounce the DTA at the same time as denouncing the actions of David Taylor! He is stale on the board, does NOT teach the younger board members, and is an obstructionist to any progress good bad or indifferent!

    Sorry for the negative comments but David...if you read this...time to go dude. You've had a nice ride but it's over.

  11. "For the record, I did not leave because I didn't get my way. I made the decision to leave because I thought it would be a more effective way to get your attention re-focused on the coninued challenges faced by the Schools and imperative need for all of you to pay attention and get involved, rather than muddling through my last five meetings."

    Amazing. I look forward to voting for someone in the future who can manage the politics of a political charge and accept the challenge through the FULL term. Leaving with 3 months is disrespectful to the people who voted and supported you (I am one)under the expectation that you were their to support our beliefs/desires.

    I find it hard to beleive this is anything but a personal agenda and look forward to working with the new board members to completion of a better district.

    Thanks for the time and if you dont have the fortitude to stick through the hard times please dont tell us how:

    " I will continue to speak up, and stand by our teachers and our kids, and now I can, in a way I could not as a Board member. Let me be clear, this game is not over, it has only just begun."

    You had a forum and you choose to give it up. Again - thank you for your (partial) service.

  12. Wow ... I have to wonder if we are seeing how the old adage "a little bit of information can be a dangerous thing" is true.

    Although maybe not quite as passionate as Henry Brackett prior to his run for office, I can say I have watched pretty much every school board meeting over the last 48 months.

    To anonymous #8, #10 and #12, a couple of points.

    a. I too believe the majority of our teachers are great, and as a whole our faculty is above average when compared to other districts in the state, but would expect that given our long standing philosophy of paying above the average.

    b. I think Fred Bramante says it best when he points out Oyster River is a GREAT school by 1990 standards, but the world of education has changed drastically over the past 20 years and Oyster River has simply not kept up, all while the best schools in the state and in the country have. This is a failure in leadership, not taxpayer support and not teaching, and you can count me as one more citizen who thinks Howard lacks the necessary vision to effectively lead our district where it needs to go.

    c. Acknowledging that ORHS just received a silver medal by US and World Reports, which is terrific, I find it ironic that the reason for this honor probably correlates with the change to a 10 point grading scale, (finally letting our kids compete on a level playing field with the majority of schools across the country), the addition of more AP classes, and the addition of the National Honor Society. It has been Kim, Jennifer, and Jocelyn, the members who are alledgedly associated with the dreaded DTA, who are supporting these types of initiatives so that we can give our kids more opportunities to stand out and succeed. More ridiculous is that many of these proposals were vehemently opposed by David, Joanne, and the Superintendent, who some suggest are our "pro children, pro education" leaders.

    One thing I know after watching four years of meetings is the perception that members who promote fiscal responsibility are somehow "anti-education", simply isn't true. It has been the addition of Kim, Jennifer and Jocelyn that has finally given us representatives who truly are advocates for our kids, teachers and eductational excellence. It has been primarily through their efforts that we are finally making the difference we are starting to see over the last couple of years, with better college acceptance rates, siver medals and more, all while getting an unsustainable ten year ride of reckless spending back under control.

    d. I would find it difficult to believe that after 33 months, Kim suddenly decided she just couldn't take it anymore and quit with 3 months left on her term. My sense is the first year of her term was the toughest, when her more progressive platform clearly put her in the minority. This makes me believe what she said above is true. Oh and by the way, the fact that people are back on this blog is an indication to me that her strategy is working.

    If true, she did this for exactly the reasons you wanted her to # 12, to support your beliefs and desires, only for the long term, not just for the next three months.


    Anonymous #13

  13. hi,
    i was sent a link to the article and website. Good luck to Kim and I'm sure that she did a great job. i am a former board member who now runs a school district in Mass with high achievement, a strategic plan,and a lower cost per pupil than the state average. ORCSD does well and throws money around like it is water, never changed in over 10 years. I moved out and happily found a community that values change- you can always achieve. My comment to a friend who sent me the article was that nothing changes- same story a decade ago. So ironic. Benchmark against the global world not NH...

  14. Thanks, Kim, for your service and for bringing out into the open the machinations behind the scenes. I agree with #13 that nothing seems to change, and maybe that's a consequence of the length of service of a few board members who seem to think that our school district is perfect and anyone who suggests otherwise is a foe of education.

    When we moved here ten years ago I was very gung ho about participating in the district. I served on a curriculum committee, a school district committee studying the need for a third elementary school and was a regular poster on the OROL message board (which existed to discuss district matters). I was so repelled by the arrogance and personal attacks on anyone who raises any issue that unlike Kim, I just gave up. There's something wrong in a place where every issue is framed as "us vs. them", where it's ok for a school board member to launch a verbal attack on a citizen speaking at a school board meeting, where any call for fiscal restraint equals being anti-school and anti-teacher.

    So now I bake for the teachers' luncheons; help my daughter with her homework and fume at the Channel 22 broadcasts.

  15. My two word solution... term limit. Enough is enough. Mr. Taylor, although this is a shocking thought, the district will survive without your "leadership." David's attitude and behavior, at the Board meetings, for the past year have demonstrated that he is not able to collaborate and set aside personal feelings for the good of the kids. This was evident.

    And why is it that when anyone in this community suggests that ORCSD could improve, they are treated as a threat? ORCSD is great, but not perfect. Even great schools can be tweaked and improved. They MUST do this to keep up with changes in the world. I suspect that what makes the "best" schools the best, is the fact that they are continually looking for ways to improve. And I suspect that they are not threatened by the word "change." We live in an academic community, this should not be a difficult concept to grasp.

    And for the record, many many of Kim Clark's supporters are not supporters of the Durham Taxpayers' Association. I, for one, support Ms. Clark, but am not interested in alligning myself with any taxpaers' group.

  16. This whole situation is Palinesque. Someone quits in order to be able to impact a problem from the outside? That is not what leaders do. Leaders are creative with resolving issues and quitting does not facilitate solutions.

  17. Consider this...perhaps by quitting, one can enact change and disrupt the "old guard" much more quickly. There are considerable legal restraints that one must abide by while being a board member. Also, the shock factor in Kim's resignation certainly stirred the pot!

    Might I suggest a slew of public comments this Wednesday at the board meeting to show support?

    So, having a voice on the board is a good thing but if you cannot expose the administration and board for legal reasons, why not quit, write a letter like that and really do some good in a much quicker timeline.

    If Kim waited until her term was up and then did this, it would have been white noise...her timing was good and created much needed attention on David Talyor in particular.

    He must not be allowed to continue on this board beyond his current term (which is up this March)!!!

  18. The Pickleboy is truy upset by this. Kim was a brave representative who always placed students and education over beurocracy and politics. I hope that we are able to elect new leaders to oppose the Great Mustache.

  19. No, quitting is not the answer and Kim would have been more the leader if she voiced her concerns as a member of the Board. Now she is a voice on the outside, reduced to being a negative voice, like many others responding here,complaining about a problem, but offering no solutions. That's why it's so Palin-like. Much that is represented in politics from taxpayer groups and teabagers is the expectation for better services and results without paying for them. When people are elected and can't work with the process to create change, they yell, whine, quit, or resort to mean- spiritness and name calling like the previous response referring to the superintendent as pickleboy.

    I remain steadfast, leaders don't quit. Hopefully the remaining Board members will find common ground and solutions. Hopefully we won't see yelling and screaming at the next board meeting as a result of Kim's lack of leadership at a time when the school community desperately needs it.

  20. I know Kim and I believe that her heart is in the right place when it comes to doing what is right for her children and the kids in this town. If she thinks that she can affect change in this town better by not being on the board, then I support her decision. Its time for Howard to do the same.

  21. This last comment exposes the shallowness of all this:
    1) Can one really believe that one can execute more power after relinquishing one of 7 representative seats on the board? Kim no longer has the bully pulpit; people are totally miscalculating the placement and influence of voice and influence

    2)Is the implication that Howard should follow Kim's lead. While Howard sits at the table, he isn't on the Board. People really need to get a clue!

  22. No, Mr. Colter should not necessarily "follow" the chair. But he should treat her with respect & aim for collaboration. The superintendent's goal should not be to undermine the chair. Spreading misinformation to school staffs is not productive or professional.

  23. I think that it would be interesting for each blog poster to indicate how many School Board meetings they have actually watched since March 2009, or since March of 2007. Anyone who has been watching, has witnessed the wall of arrogance & disdain that has been erected by at least one senior Board member. The lack of maturity & respect has been obvious. Whether you support Kim Clark or not is irrelevant. This type of behavior should not be tolerated. I hope the voters take this into consideration when they vote in March.

  24. Having watched and participated in SB meetings over the past few years I agree that often the meetings were disfunctional. However, despite this, I have no doubt that all the individuals who donate their time and serve on the SB and its committess do in fact want what is best for our children. I contend that what will not work and what does not contribute to the quality of the education our children receive are personel attacks, whether done behind closed doors, during a SB meeting or in this forum. Moving forward I feel the community needs to recognize the importance of what we are striving for (the best education for our children) and not allow our conduct, or the conduct of others to deteriorate and detract from that goal. Its just too important.

  25. Buy Howard out of his contract and get rid of this gutless wonder. Get someone who knows how to lead. Pathetic waste of my tax money

  26. It seems to me that “You’re a liar” Taylor has shown an inability to engender cohesiveness among, and respect for, all board members for more than just this year.

  27. Hey Richard,

    You sound like someone thinking about running for office. I hope so.

    We obviously need a couple of rational candidates to step up over the next month, who will focus on quality of education and getting more bang for the tax dollar.

    Go for it.

  28. "high achievements always take place in the framework of high expectations". I saw this quote today and I think it perfectly captures the difference between Howard Colter, David Taylor and a few others....most of us have higher expectations. While our teachers are great and our district is trying to find itself I think we need to seek leaders, both volunteer and paid, who have higher expectations then we see today.

  29. Just watched tonights board meeting........the old guard is back in action........good luck to you all. A day of mourning will now begin.
    Jocelyn is the only one left with a brain.

  30. Thank you Henry and Jocelyn's for attempting to push back and talk about tough issues at the school board meeting tonight.

    What happened to Mark and Jennifer this evening? Weren't they voted in to bring progress? Instead they brought back an "experienced" former Chair who controlled the Board and continues to stand by a Superintendent who does not follow the District's policies and has demonstrated an inability to lead.

  31. Did you see the meeting tonight?


    If you did not see it then you should watch it when it airs again. Jennifer, Mark and David voted to put Joann back into a position of power.

    WHAT!?!?!? Yup, you heard right.

    I guess Kim's resignation was all for not... Did they forget all the misdeeds of the administration that Joann supported not too long ago? Now two Board members have been run off but still nothing changes!!!!!

    Remember this when you go to the polls!!!!!!!!!! I agree with comment above--a time of mourning.

  32. Where was the questioning of Howard? Why were the issues of a lack of trust not addressed?
    Who is going to ask the tough questions.......with JOANN back at the helm, the iron curtain is back up. A day of mourning is just about right.
    This showed a total lack of respect for the teachers, who need a voice, and to Kim who raised hers.

  33. It would seem that Kim resigned to make change. the only thing that has happened is that the rhetoric on this blogspot has gotten worse - much worse.

    She wants civility broght to the board. I applaud the board last night for doing just that -- bringing both sides together so they can work together.


    Let's be constructive and work for our kids' education, not political agendas.

  34. I do not see name calling--these comments represent critiques of the current regime and it is fundamental to a working democracy. I see concerned members of the public, like myself, calling for change. That was the thrust of Kim's resignation. We must question authority and challenge the District to continue to raise the bar. That is not what happened at last night's meeting. The bar was lowered instead.

    Jocelyn noted that they have received 1 1/2 hours of training to date. This is not only inadequate, it is a joke. It is no wonder that they cannot work together. This is not an equal playing field. Joann wants to wait another 4 months. This Board needs to get it together sooner rather than later.

  35. Whomever controls this blog is editing comments (mine). Consider yourself warned.

  36. I had once considered joining the school board years ago just to be a part of my kid's school life and help be a part of the direction but I was nervous of having a different opinion because I saw others who did and they were met with very angry commnets. I can't be a "yes" person all the time. Usually on an executive board it is welcomed to have different input, it is considered and then voted on. Now when reading this blog I am reminded why I was a little scared. Different opinions are important so when a decision is made you know that you have considered all points of view. Why would anyone "hate" someone who volunteered their time to do their best? As Eleanor Rosevelt once said "You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give." I encourage some brave people to come forward in the next election and give the best you have to give. Thank you Kim for your service.

  37. Hello...I control this blog and NO COMMENTS ARE BEING EDITED. To the anonymous poster, please contact me. The contact info is on the right.

  38. I had a lack of trust for Kim Clark and I think the school board will be better off now.

    For all who want change you are so ingrossed in your opposition of specific people that you do not see what a great school district we have, US News & World Reports Best High Schools list. Obviously something was being done right.

  39. Do you really think US News and World Reports has a better handle on what is happening in our schools than the parents and residents of our district?

    Do you think the loss of 400 students in our district, and projected loss of another 100, has only been a result of natural attrition and demographic change?

    Are you comfortable with the increased size of our school budget over the last ten years relative to the size of your tax bill and annual compensation?

    Do you think the School Board or Superintendent has a plan to stablize the budget at some point in the future?

    Do you believe our Superintendent has his finger on the pulse of 21st century education, and is doing all he can to make our schools as good as they can be in the long term, or is it possible he is more focused on finishing out his last two years with as little interference as possible?

    It is time for a critical and objective assessment of where are schools are today, not what we think they were in the past, and where they are heading for tomorrow.

    I know everyone's expectations are different, and if the schools are good enough for you, you are entitled to your opinion. I know I am not alone in my opinion that the schools are not meeting my standards today, but am even more concerned with where things will be in another five years if we just continue along the path we have been on for the last ten years, both educationally and fiscally.

  40. Allowing anonymous criticism of community members and volunteers undermines the value of this blog and makes the conversation an entertainment rather than a service. I can't take such dialogue seriously, and I believe this does great harm to the community as a whole. Please consider turning off anonymous posting.

    And, please, stop talking about retribution against your children if you identify yourself. I do not believe our teachers are so small-minded as to behave this way, and I'm tired of hearing this (once again) anonymous excuse.
    If you want to say something about the school board members who have volunteered (and put their names on their work) then you should be willing to put your name on your comments.

  41. I first would like to thank Kim for all of her efforts and time she gave the ORSD. Please remain an active advocate in our community. Secondly, as a senior citizen in Durham, with no agenda, I would like to compliment Joanne. Watching every Board meeting, she is one of the most thoughtful,intelligent individuals, I could ever imagine. We are so fortunate to have her serve our students and citizens. Let us stop labeling and instead work as a united community. This rhetoric only diminishes our effort.

  42. FYI-
    If a warrant article (TIP) fails, you can not take funds from other sources to do those actions. You must wait a year before you can address it again.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. In response to the TIP failing, a school board can do whatever it wants to with the money appropriated by the voters. If the board feels the need to purchase computers, then the board can buy computers. Nothing in law says they can't do that.

  45. I just wanted to drop a quick note to prepare you all for another tax increase. Our school board has decided not to inform the students when their lunch account is low. When the kids run out of money they are now alooed to charge whatever they want with no limits. So now some num ber of months into school our school lunch program is thousands of dollars in debt. The school board would like to have a collection agency hired to collect this money (when the sau cannot). You know as well as I do that all collection agencies take a percentage right off the top, sop who better to pick up the rest but our loyal taxpayers. My taxes are high enough and is this really what we want to be teaching our children. I know it's not what I teach mine.

  46. Ok.. here is another point about the no limit charging policy the school board has implemented...what about the parents of free and reduced now we get a bill with this incredibly large number that we now owe...if there is no money then the students should not be allowed the snacks...why put us in a worse financial situtation than we are already in???

  47. I get an email each month telling me the balance that is left in my child's meal money.

  48. each month are you sure??? i do not receive this and thats great providing the parents send in a check right away

  49. You can also join Mealtime Online and track the balance on a daily basis. There's no excuse for not being aware of what your child's balance is. The district provides this service, as well as the monthly e-mail mentioned above. Go to the district website or call the district office and find out more. Find it, know it, use it.

  50. The key word in that whole statement is use it....I was just informed today that my child who has money on his account, is not able to get the choices because there are no limits to what the children can consume...even if there is no money in their accounts. Further lets ask ourselves how healthy it is to have no restraints on what you can purchase or eat. I thought in this day and age we were all equally concerned about child obesity? So let's let them have whatever they want and how ever much of it they want. Sounds like the kids that have money are the ones being punished. This needs to go to the media to get the word out there about just how silly this decision is. I would much rather have my son be able to choose the 1 lunch he wants then to have 3 lunches that he may eat or not.

  51. Education comes from home. Teaching kids healthy eating choices start at home and is not the school's responsibility to enforce it.

  52. well then shouldnt either lunch or the money to buy it also be the responsibility of the home as well

  53. Yes, not only do I agree that lunch money should be paid for from home, I am willing to bet it is.

    1. I have a seriously hard time believing somewhere around $50,000 of lunches goes unpaid in our district every year, and if this is true how can their be no recourse pursued either during or after each school year. Remember, families in need don't have to just default, they can apply for aid.

    2. Based on the statements our family has recieved from the food service department, it is clear that accounting is not their strong suit. Our statements have routinely been a mess, I hope only because someone isn't very good at accounting and keeping the books organized, but you do have to wonder if it is something more serious. Either way, not a surprise to me that they can't account for $50,000 each year, and I'll bet anything it isn't because they gave away that many unpaid lunches.

    3. I also have to wonder why it is that parents seem to be able to prepare and serve healthy meals to their kids every day that kids don't complain about, but the schools seem to have such a hard time serving healthy meals that kids will eat. Is food service serious about meeting the requirements of the nutrition committee and wishes of the parents, or just trying to keep life easy for the food service staff?

  54. If you are so disappointed in the services and meals the school provides, why don't you pack you child's lunch? You can ask that your child's account be disabled and just give the kid cash (the way we did it in the old days!). What happened to parents taking charge of their child's spending and holding the kid accountable for his/her decisions?

  55. service is in place to provide a lunch that meets the USDA requirements...not the board or the parents...if it is such an issue pack your childs lunch....Get ready to see the past due numbers our wonderful school board has decided this year there is no ciling as to what the kids can charge...In the past there was a cap of $10. which was more than fair now the sky is the limit

  56. I cannot believe that an educated adult would make a decision like this...Do the math $2.25 a day 180 days a year x 300 kids....hmmm sounds like alot of money to potentially be owed....My son was denied his cap and gown last year for a balance on his lunch account for $3.00, so how are these families going to pay when the kids are seniors??? Where does the money come from....I've seen first hand how hard our lunch ladies work and I know a few of them at the middle school that have gone above and beyond to make sure that the kids are given everything they need, food and otherwise....I suggest that Anonymous goes into a school to see just how hard the food service staff works....Maybe seeing before you accuse will be helpful

  57. i would love to be at anonymous dinner table that they prepare a healthy meal and their child dosen't complain....seems to me that all kids complain about anything that is healthy..and food service does provide healthy meals, the United States Government says they have to...thats the problem it isnt what the child wants...and here at ORSD...we cannot give the kids anything they dont want or can pay for.

  58. anonymous sounds like you lost your bet

  59. bottom line....i do not want my child to grow up thinking that everything in life is free...if you cant pay for it then you shouldnt be buying it...thats how this country got into this trouble....these kids are our future...lets start teaching them how to work for what they need...i wish someone would just step up to the plate...consequences for actions and hard work reaps benefits they are certainly not handed to you

  60. If all the people above would send the same e'mail to the board as well as this blog maybe something will change

  61. Have someone ask what the past due lunch account balance is district wide....IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND......So town salaries can be posted in the newspaper...why cant what people owe the town be posted in the newspaper.....1 more thing...if your not sending your child in with a lunch, and your not paying for their that not a form of neglect????? lets press charges

  62. I am speaking as a past food service worker in another state....I do not understand why a commitee nor a school board is dictating what a food service program can serve??? I thought food service was mandated by the United States Government??? Maybe thats the problem...people that have no idea how the program works are the ones making the decisions....Let's get back to teaching kids values instead of taking the low road and giving them every little thing they want.. I do not understand how People in high places are giving themselves raises and getting them which is even further beyond belief....and we are letting these kids charge for infinity....where is the money comming from....Howard and Blaine are you going to be giving back your raises to cover this lunch black hole that you have created????

