Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ORCSD’s Lobster Trap

The following was published today in Fosters as "Community Commentary" and is republished here at the request of the author:

Patent pending: one size-large lobster trap. A gift graciously provided to the Oyster River School Board by intrepid guardians of our best interests. It features a standard shape, standard frame, standard netting, and standard entryway—at first glance it appears to be like any of countless traps we see around the seacoast. However, upon closer inspection, it does seem to include a few oddities.

This trap is large enough for people to walk into. It has a spring-loaded, hinged rear panel. The rear panel can be winched open by a chain extending up to a posh, stately adorned throne. Also, what is the gizmo that looks like an inverted periscope, with an eyepiece situated in front of the throne? It is designed for someone using their discriminating stare to observe and judge the actions and decisions of our elected School Board members. Instead of chum for bait, the only lure is a sincere desire by community members who care and want to serve our district. They thus must pass inspection before entering, even after being duly elected by the people.

Don’t bother asking questions about why this trap is situated at the entrance to the boardroom of the ORSB. Don’t bother being concerned this might have the illusion of impropriety. There are a select few who control our district, who know better than anyone else what is best for the schools, the administration, and the taxpayers. They are now empowered to determine at their very whim when to spring the trap, and slam the rear panel closed. Ensnared board members, who are now enjoined by the courts, could face contempt, and possibly jail time, at the slightest hint of a violation of Right-to-Know law.

Who might we ask to sit on this lofty perch? It would have to be someone with years of experience on the board. Only that person would have enough knowledge, and a track record from his own previous transgressions, to be in a position to judge when an unsuspecting victim that he determines has crossed him, or is not leading this district in a direction he opines is correct, to warrant his torrid judgment. We’ll call him our new RTK Manager! We will add a new line item to our budget for monthly payment, called, “RTK avoidance fees, for services rendered.” (In the big cities, we call this protection money). This will be to safeguard our district from future violations, because surely without his approval and guidance, there will be many, despite some people who contend that it is child’s play. We need someone of self-ordained noble character, and the enamored and alluring gaze of an adoring public.

The current board was accused of over 300 violations of RTK and board policy within the first three months after the last election. This was until the superior court judge directed that the list be culled down to the top 20. Even while the judge took over 2 months to decide a verdict from one lawsuit, the board continued to unwittingly violate policies and RTK law. This invited a second lawsuit. How could this be possible? Could it be that the board repeatedly kept doing things it didn’t think was against the law? Was the district supposed to suspend all business waiting with bated breath for a decision? The first verdict was handed down on January 17, 2012. How is it right that the board be enjoined for continued violations that occurred during the interim period? The board must rely on the professionals around them to stay between the guardrails. They rely heavily on past practice when making decisions. The current board had a superintendent who was first resistant and insubordinate, then wanted out (Yes, testimony at the first RTK trial revealed he approached the board for his sweet little buyout, not the other way around). Then they were dealing with an interim, probably who was no more familiar with policies in this district than they were. It is not outside the realm of possibility that this board did not get much help from the administration. It is unfair and unrealistic to believe there was malicious intent when the consulting firm, or superintendent, or the board or whoever, came up with an idea for a secret ballot for part of a search committee, if the reason they acted was to be fair to a vocal segment of the district, and respond to accusations of “cronyism.”

Ignorance is no excuse, we’ve all heard that. The buck has to stop with the board. However, am I the only one who sees a problem with regular citizens being elected to a School Board, then having a three-ring binder dropped in their lap as thick as a dictionary, with a pat on the back and encouragement that goes something like, “you’ve got it, now don’t screw up.” If anyone thinks past boards were spit-and-polish and didn’t violate RTK, then they have succumbed to the evil genius of cunning minds as notorious as The Joker, The Riddler, and The Penguin.

I will go on record to say I have only praise for someone who sincerely tries to improve openness and honesty with communication between representative government and the people. In my opinion, this board was leaps and bounds ahead of past boards. The people have a right to know, what they have a right to know. There are, however, things like personnel confidentiality, and privacy laws as well. Sometimes the lines are blurred. Pandora’s Box was pried open, and this board was found to violate RTK and board policy on several occasions. OK, but this case is not about open communication. It is about vengeance. It is about a few people snubbing their noses at the district, saying, “There, take that! We know better than you.” It is about ex-board members using their insider knowledge, and their own painful indoctrinations, to maliciously apply RTK laws to get their way. They have figured out how to win, even after they lose an election.

Now Jafar has spoken, and we are all beholden to him. We must beware staring into his viper’s staff too long, lest we all begin to drink his Kool-Aid, and accept the idea that he is the only one who can decide what’s best for our district.

Why bother to have a School Board at all at this point? People complained the current board did not, “proceed with caution.” That’s not what these people care about; they just want everyone to think like they do! How could we let the superintendent go they were so cozy with, but who lacked the vision to produce a strategic plan for the district during his five-year tenure? How could this board try to cut money from an out-of-control budget? After years of annual increases, it has become like a fix for junkies strung out on taxpayers’ money.

We don’t have to worry about a change in direction for this district. Now the only people who will have the inclination to run for School Board, will be those endorsed by Jafar himself! Who wants to serve the community if it could expose them to jail time? But we shouldn’t worry our heads about such things; the district is now in good, capable hands. I think I hear the rear panel of the trap being winched open. Good luck to the ORSB, happy trails.

Calvin Jarvis



  1. That's one perspective. For an alternative, check out Let's support Henry and Jim by voting them out of office and keeping them out of jail. Please vote Tuesday for the T.E.A.M. - Tom, Ed, Al, and Maria.

    Dean Rubine, Lee

  2. Thanks for your acknowledgement, Mr. Rubine. It strikes me that your cute acronym can also be spelled T.A.M.E.--as in by continuously and rythmically beating your drum in an attempt to return our district to the bygone days of ousted board members who created FORE, you can TAME the public into believing a new reality & truth. It's the age-old adage that if you keep repeating something often enough and forcefully enough, you will eventually convince everyone to believe what you evoke is true.

  3. Calvin, I have no doubt everyone believes I think we should all vote for the TEAM - Tom, Ed, Al, and Maria. More at

  4. Cal, for the record, I have nothing to do with FORE other than occasionally reading it. It's the same relationship I have with (Actually, I'm a much more frequent commenter here). I know for sure that Maria Barth and Ed Charle are not FORE members or anything like that. They will go out of their way to listen to all the community without allegiance to any faction. It's what we need. - Dean
