Thursday, March 22, 2012

Former Board Member Ann Wright on Morse Contract: "More Than He is Worth"

Former School Board member Ann Wright has asked that we post the following, which has also been sent to the current Board as well as to FORE and ORCSD Clean Slate for publication:

Dear ORCSD School Board,

I have recently discovered the details of the contract the former board unanimously agreed to with Mr. James Morse, and, frankly, I am appalled. A salary of $145,500, is highly excessive, considering our current Superintendent, who is just as qualified as Mr. Morse, is earning only $125,000. As a matter of fact, this salary, $145,500, will make Mr. Morse the second highest paid superintendent in the State of NH. Why would the ORCSD merit this distinction? We are not the second largest district, nor are we one where the superintendent must deal with multiple boards. Mr. Morse was earning $131,000 this year as the Superintendent of the Portland School District, which is much larger and more complex than ours. Did he truly deserve a raise of $14,000 to move to an easier job? I also see that the former board has given Mr. Morse six weeks paid vacation, far in excess of what our current or past superintendents received.

This past budget season teachers and administrators were begging the board to keep vital positions, and the board responded, that it was time, "we tightened our belts" (Ann Lane), even suggesting that students cobble together their own furniture in wood shop to save the district a few dollars (Ann Lane). Suddenly the purse strings spring open and our new superintendent is given a contract worth far more than we can afford, than we budgeted for, and than he is worth. Yet our bus drivers and paraprofessionals were asked to make salary and benefit concessions because "we need to all tighten our belts".

I am stunned by the poor judgment of the former board, and the three remaining members. If this sweetheart contract now threatens to affect jobs, services and programs in our schools, I will hold all seven of you accountable, as well as our Interim Superintendent. The poor judgment of a few should absolutely not affect the education of our children.


Ann Wright


  1. 6 weeks leave, plus 15 sick days, plus 6 personal days. Reads like 51 days off to me. That's more than double the average time off of an average private sector worker after 10 years of service with the same company. His salary could be $156,832 by the last year of his contract if the board give him the maximum annual adjustment stated in the contract of 4%.
    The signed contract is here:

    However, top candidates do cost more - and a top candidate does not make a move for a modest increase. They take the best offer based on job and compensation. I doubt that the community divisiveness over the last year or two would be considered as part of an easier job.

    Mr Morse will have ample chance to prove his worth to the community. I hope that within a short period we'll see the value we're getting through strong leadership, a great working relationship with administrators, faculty, staff, and the board, forthright dealings with the public - and more than any of that - excellent outcomes for our children.

  2. The ink isn't even dry on the contract and already the boogie man engine is fired up again. The new board is already being targeted and their seats aren't even warm yet. Good luck to ANYONE on the school board who is looking to make any change in the community.

    In my opinion, he should have negotiated for even more considering the political landscape of the district these days. Some people just miss anything prior to 2007 I guess.

    1. An open letter in response to Ann Wright

      Uh Ann, it's Doctor Morse. It is unfortunate that you were not on the site visit with me. Oh that's right, you had already resigned from the board. As far as I am concerned if Leon had wanted to stay on as superintendent, I would not have refused to pay him the same as Doctor Morse.

      Anyone who would come into this toxic and petty environment is either courageous or crazy. I believe Doctor Morse to be the former.

      This district is more than an educational institution. It is a multi -million dollar transportation company, a multi -million dollar physical plant with associated maintenance and it has a food service business that serves approximately 400 children which we SUSIDIZE from the general fund to the tune of $75,000.00. I look forward to a superintendent who will finally be capable of dealing with these issues as well as the incorporation of new methods of learning.

      The community should give Doctor Morse all the support he needs because the kibitzers and back- biters like you and your friends from FORE will politicize everything Dr. Morse does. Why? Because you didn't hire him? Had this present board been in place I do not think the results would be different. Furthermore, you seem to forget that Dr. Morse was acceptable to all parties, including the members of FORE that were on the Superintendent screening committee.

      This really has to stop. In another blog one comment referred to those who negotiated the contract as "Chuckleheads". I haven't seen that level of immaturity since, well, since last week.

      Have a nice day,


  3. Uhh Kach, you know what else needs to stop? Your condescending rants!! And SHOCKER - your disgusting arrogance and know-it-all retort targets a woman!

    I am excited to get back on track with things following the new composition/elected board. I read the contract and as someone who is very concerned about how we seemingly de-value those who do "menial" jobs for the District by way of very low pay and little to no benefits -- I hear continual discussions about budget cutting and tax impacts, how it will affect constituants, etc. ... when I see how Dr. Morse's (who from what I saw during the interviews, will actually SURVIVE being called Mr. Morse, I promise!!) salary compares to other Superintendents within the State, I was upset, too.

    If we wanted to gauge the average of all superintendents in the State and then increase it slightly because of the all the drama that has gone on, etc., that is completely fair. But he has started very high and will continually have that increased based on performance over the terms of his contract.

    Adding to that, the amount of vacation time, sick leave, etc. that is technically added ONTO the contract/salary - is equally as upsetting. However, I speak for myself. Maybe others aren't upset about - and that is fine, too.

    But I feel so badly for those who "took one for the team" - put a good faith effort in proposing contract renewals with very minimal increases during such contentious times with the Board and budget and ultimately not wanting to take on arguing their worth for before those who wanted to either outsource them or threatened to ... and so in the end they get no increase (again) and then a WHOLE WHOPPING fifty cents in a couple years! Wahooo! That'll certainly increase the morale and pad their pockets!!

    How about we treat the janitors, the paraprofessionals and the food service workers a little - no a LOT better??? I wish I could thank each and every one of them personally for all they do, which is not represented in how (my favorite) school district treats them.

    I know they don't have doctorate degrees, but darnit, let's treat them with some respect and show them they are valued, too - in word and deed! Their services are equally important to the success of our District.

    PS - lastly Mr. Kach ... you pride yourself on going on the site visit - the Board, remember, wasn't planning on one at all ... so please don't front like it was all you and your idea.

    1. Dear Unknown:

      Just a note to encourage you and everyone else who writes in to this “Community Resource” blog to sign your name and publicly stand by the words you speak to the public. We may all hope that Jim Kach stops his self-justifying rants, but calling him out anonymously also invites others to add their anonymous comments. We have seen how this sort of thing can quickly spiral out of control with nameless (presumably) members of the community shouting insults at each other from behind their masks.

      Phil Isenberg

    2. Dear Unknown,

      I just want to you to know that I disagree that you should have to sign your name publicly and fully support you exercising your right to anonymous free speech. Although I don't agree with your opinions, I do appreciate you taking the to voice your opinions. Thanks!

  4. Hi Phil,
    Let's stop talking about each other and start talking to each other. I do however like your phrase "self justifying rants". I recall we did have a somewhat heated exchange at the polls but did decide on a cup of coffee. Now that I am out of "politics", are you still up for that?

    1. Actually, Jim, I was addressing “Unknown” and anyone else thinking about posting anonymous comments on a “Community Resource”. That was the full nature and intent of my post.

      Furthermore, I think that when someone makes a personal invitation, as you just did, in a public forum such as this one, he is generally more interested in having everyone know about his gracious invitation than he is in the actual proposed conversation. If you are really interested in discussion rather than public posing, I am in the phone book.

      Phil Isenberg
