Monday, February 27, 2012

Court Decision Announced in Taylor v. ORCSD

The Strafford Superior Court decision in the David Taylor case has been announced.

The full document is posted below, but a brief reading reveals that while the Court did find the Board committed some violations of the Right To Know law, it also declined to invalidate the Superintendent search process, thus clearing the way for the District to hire Dr. Morse.

I'll have more commentary after I've had some time to digest (in my case, that means after I get my kids to bed!)



  1. Again, for those of you reading about the Court's decision on mobile devices or on email, please visit the site to read the full text.

  2. For those waiting with bated breath for further commentary, my apologies. Things have been busy both at home and at work the last couple of days, and I just haven't been able to get to it.

    Meanwhile, Fosters has given their permission for us to repost their coverage of the case, which I will do shortly.
