Friday, July 11, 2008

Results of the Tri-Town Budget Committee

Please visit this link below:

This was the hard work of many people in all three towns looking to educate the public on financial and public issues as well as identify potential solutions to budget issues.  

This is a very well done report and worth the look through.

Ask yourselves and the board why these potential solutions are not all enacted and practiced daily!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this document when it was "leaked" out. I believe the story was that the selectmen said, "Don't let the taxpayers see this". At that point the document was leaked out. The information this contains should condemn the selectmen and other powers that be to be held accountable for such complete mishandling of of the entire situation. In the good o'l days these people would have been run up a pole and their family's exiled from the community. Today we have a blind justice system that protects criminals... allowing them to cheat, rob, steal and murder for profit and still catch a relaxing 18 at the club. I miss the good o'l days when justice was swift and criminals got what they had coming.
