Monday, December 13, 2010

ABC Meeting Agenda for 12/13/10

Oyster River Cooperative School District
Advisory Budget Committee
Meeting Agenda
December 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. 
Location: High School—RoomTBD

(Please note that topic times are approximate and likely to change or be adjusted.)
1.     Call to Order
2.  Approval of Agenda
3.   Approval of Minutes
4.  Review/Discuss Correspondence
5.  Public Comments
5.     Discussion/questions with Randy Loring
      6.   Member updates
7.     Review proposed cost savings by each committee member
8.     Discuss possible bottom line adjustment recommendation (should the budget be decreased by $xxxx?)
8.     Continue to edit preliminary report and add in decide how/where to add in items agreed upon above (agenda item 7 and 8)
9.     Set next meeting date and preliminary agenda
      10.  Public Comments
      11.  Adjourn

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mast Way bus policy discussions--Voice your opinion

If you have comments or concerns about the Mast Way bus policy, here is your chance to voice your opinion.

On December 8th at 9:30am (in the MW library meeting room) and December 9th at 7pm (MW North Commons), Superintendent Howard Colter is inviting parents to a discussion of what lead to the changes for the daily afterschool arrangements and to solicit feedback from parents. Please come and join us for one of these discussions.

If you cannot make these meetings but want to provide your thoughts, e-mail the Superintendent at:

Friday, December 3, 2010

ABC Update

Oyster River Cooperative School District Advisory Budget Committee (ABC) Update
The Advisory Budget Committee (ABC), comprised of Robert McEwan-Madbury: Jay Hilyard-Lee; Bill Bryon-Lee; Anne Knight-Durham; Jenna Roberts-Durham; David Proulx-Durham; David Taylor-Durham, and Tom Merrick-Durham, has met frequently since October 26th  and attended School Board meetings and budget workshops in order to become educated about the ORCSD budget.  In addition, committee members have taken guided tours of the four schools to see the facilities, to meet the administrators and some teachers, and to learn more about the educational programs. 
Citizens in the Oyster River School District are invited to contact the ABC using the email address about school district budget matters.  An ABC member will respond to such emails. Meeting minutes and any supporting published documents are placed on the ORCSD website under School Board/Subcommittees/Advisory Budget Committee soon after they are approved.
All ABC meetings are open to the public.  Future public meetings (usually 7 PM at ORHS) that will include school budget discussion are:
12/6         School Board Mtg with budget discussion about SpEd, Technology, Prof Devel, District
12/8         School Board workshop with budget discussion about Facilities, Transportation, Food Serv
12/9         ABC meeting 7 PM C123
12/13       ABC meeting 7 PM C120
12/15       School Board Mtg with budget discussion – ABC preliminary recommendations
1/3           ABC meeting 7 PM C120
1/5           School Board Mtg with budget discussion – ABC report
1/12          Public Hearing on School Budget – ABC presentation included